If you are aware of plumbing and look after the water network in your home, then you’re familiar with the water softener. However, a lot of people tend to notice a decrease in water pressure after installing it.

It’s obvious to ask the question — can a water softener cause low water pressure?

It’s difficult to give you a direct yes or no as several factors are involved.

Our article directly looks into this issue and tells you all you need to know about the possible situations that can cause this scenario. It will also run you through all the cases where the device itself is responsible or if it is occurring because of an external factor.

Is My Water Softener Directly Responsible For Low Water Pressure?

Water softeners themselves do not hinder or hamper the flow of water in one’s home under any circumstances. In most cases, it’s due to problems in other parts or a more communal issue. Below are some of the most common reasons why you might be experiencing low water pressure.

Communal Problem

One of the most common issues can be the fact that your area, in general, is experiencing low water pressure at the moment.

You can consider talking to your neighbors and inquire about their water pressure to understand if you’re the only one who’s facing this problem or if it’s a common case. In that case, you will have to talk to the water department in your area to resolve it.

Damage To The Pipe

If you’re living in a house that has old pipes and the pipes haven’t been changed in a while, then it can be the main reason behind a drop in water pressure.

Steel pipes require frequent changes for them to remain appropriately functional. Otherwise, it can get corroded over time, and its interior diameter might grow shorter. Although it’s a major issue, the change is cost-effective.

Clogging In The Waterway

In case you are experiencing a drop in water pressure in just one water appliance, there’s a chance that your pipes are clogged. Sometimes, the washer tends to slip, and the line can get partially blocked. Showerheads also tend to clog up easily, and the water pressure can fall drastically because of it.

Water Regulator On Low Setting

Oftentimes, homeowners tend to set the water regulator on low settings and later on end up experiencing low water pressure.

It’s a valve made of brass that is located on the primary water lines just ahead of the water softener. Increase the water flow carefully through the water regulator. The last thing you will want is a whole different range of issues that can increase your expenses.

Mismatch In Water Softener Size

Installing the wrong water softener can be a major reason why your water pressure might be underperforming. If it is your first time using such a product, then there’s a high chance that you might not be aware of its sizes and compatibility. An incompatibility on this front can cause the water pressure to become low.

Are There Any Impacts On Water Supply By Water Softener?

Although water softeners are not directly liable for a drop in water pressure, there can be some problems that can occur due to any unfortunate fault.

It’s vital to familiarize yourself with the water softener model you are using to avoid these situations and maintain it regularly. A few problems that can occur in water pressure due to water softener faults are as follows.

Blockage In Particle Filter

Most water softener models come with a particle filter to hold back various particles found within water. It tends to get dirty over time and can clog up the water softener. Cleaning these components routinely and replacing them at certain time periods can help maintain consistency in water pressure.

Resin Bed Blockage

Water particles sometimes tend to get past particle filters and reach the resin bed. Therefore, it can cause an accumulation of iron and drop the water pressure. Monitor and clean this part regularly to prevent low water pressure.

Resin Particle Within Supply Pipes

A lot of people often tend to forget to replace the resin pipes on their water softener on a routine basis. This mistake results in the tank getting damaged and affect the water supply channels in the long run. Look out for particle blockage in your water pipes to stop the water pressure from dropping.

Final Verdict

Can a water softener cause low water pressure? Yes and no. The device directly isn’t responsible behind less water coming out of your faucets and other similar appliances.

However, a lot of things can go wrong to cause such issues. Just keep an eye out for the factors we mentioned in this article, and you will never face such problems.